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Sunday, September 15, 2019


This week, our blog post is about covers and it is twofold. What are covers? Covers are recordings of music, usually vocal, by artists or performers who did not originally write or record the music. We see them all the time on YouTube in particular and in karaoke bars, but they are seen in other places both live and recorded. This is important because as we prepare for POPS Concert, the majority of the music is all covers.

Part 1: This part of your assignment this week is to find a cover of a song that you like. Post one paragraph (about 5 complete sentences) about the song, why you like it, who it is by, and specific musical elements that make the song a good choice to cover. Examples of good musical sentences are "I enjoy this song because it has a good rhythmic beat accented by the singer's vocal melismas" or "The piano part has a lot of higher notes that sound like bells which add to the whimsy of the song". You cannot use the sample sentences in your post. Examples of poorly worded/poor sentences are "I like the song because it is fast" or "I like the song because I like it". Be precise in your wording.

Part 2: Using your smartphone or any app that allows you to record, record yourself singing a cover of a song that you like. It can be a cappella or with accompaniment. Free apps like the YouTube app on most phones allows you to record and upload to YouTube. All videos must be uploaded to YouTube. The minimum time that your video must be is 1'30" and that does not include any speaking you do before singing. Record an entire song or one verse and a chorus. We will go over how to do this in class on Monday and Tuesday. When recording please make sure that you choose to make your video unlisted and include the link provided to you on YouTube to the video at the end of your post.

All posts are due by Friday, September 20, 2019 by 11:59 PM. After that, points will be deducted and posts will be scrutinized for any and all errors and whether all elements of the prompt are present. Have fun recording and we will watch all videos in class the following week.